I am okay

Sekarang hari jumat, sudah siap siap buat hari selasa hahaha. Mulai ndredek sih, tapi aku benar, if I on my time, I show off hahaha. I more like to being like this for several time. And after that, I wish I can focus again.

Forgeting every fear I have. Forgeting every pain I feel.

I love adventure, and just cause I have to stay, than I will stay. I know I can. I always belive on God. And if God set the role for me, what should you do? I know I can. Sure

Than dont worry min, just let it flow. Now here, I am okay. Dont worry

I know very well how to face the pain, I know so well how to manage it. Everything will be all right.

Semangat mimin sepuluh taun lagi. Sekarang aku sedang berjuang buat hidupmu yang lebih baik. Jangan khawatir ya.


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